Message regarding NMMA and ABYC Certifications
ABYC C-5 CONSTRUCTION AND TESTING OF ELECTRIC NAVIGATION LIGHTSAs you may know, the ABYC standards are reviewed on a predetermined cadence to ensure the requirements align with current technology, industry data, and emerging trends in an effort to mitigate manufacturer liability and protect the consumer. The ABYC standards are the basis for NMMA certification.
ABYC recently published a new standard titled C-5 CONSTRUCTION AND TESTING OF ELECTRIC NAVIGATION LIGHTS focused on the design, construction, performance, and testing of electric navigation lights for boats. With the introduction of this standard comes additional testing requirements that have been reviewed and approved by the Navigation Lights and Sound Signal Appliances Project Technical Committee. The new test requirements prescribed in ABYC C-5 now align with ISO 19009 dated 2015.
The purpose of this message is to highlight the new testing requirements in C-5 (see Table 1).
The recently published ABYC C-5 standard goes into effect July 31, 2022. Please ensure all current and future type accepted navigation lights have been tested to the most current standards and your test reports in ECT are updated to include those test results and reference to ABYC C-5.
Please contact Scott Berry at or Chad Keskitalo at with any questions.